Our Chef

Panorama - fine Italian & Mediterranean cuisine

Indulge in imaginative interpretations of authentic Italian cuisine fare or elaborate Mediterranean gourmet creations, while you enjoy the view of the impressive pool set about parasols and deck chairs.

Our executive chef

Nikos Moroglou was born and raised in Piraeus, ‘a place where the sea is a very important part of everyday life, and which formed my character and culinary style’, he explains. He traces his passion for cooking back to the kitchen of his earliest childhood, where, with wooden spoons and pans for toys, he played at the feet of his mother and grandmother while they prepared feasts throughout the day for a large family. ‘As a professional chef, I try to capture some of those authentic scents and flavours with which my sense of smell and taste first came alive.’

His philosophy is focused around the incomparable essence of fresh local ingredients, building on the day’s catch, seasonal vegetables and farm-reared meats. ‘I respect nature and my motto both my life and my kitchen is “keep it simple”. I cook the way I like to eat – light and balanced dishes that don’t have a strong aftertaste. It expresses the tranquillity I seek in my life, but also my desire not to follow every trend, but to develop a sense of identity and authenticity. After all, I believe that you infuse everything you do with some of your own energy as a means of individual expression, which is distilled into food when you are a chef. ‘